I worked with my friend Megan all week and it was a blast! Coming into this trip she and I were talking about how nervous we were for the week. We were nervous about it because we went last year and it was incredible, we had hoped that our experience would be the same. This trip by far surpasses every experience that I had last year. Our site coordinator was the sweetest, most kind, compassionate, caring, patient, loving, pure hearted man I have every met in my life. He has touched my heart forever and I will always remember him. He has done so much for other people and it has just inspired me to become a better person and strive to help others for the rest of my life. I had already known that I wanted to help people but he has just opened my eyes to what I can really accomplish in this short life. A brief little bit about Craig, our site coordinator, he worked in China, helping young pregnant teens find options for their children if they chose life. He has been a missionary for 22 years and he just wants to help.
The greatest thing for me on this trip was just hearing other peoples stories and how compassionate people can change so much in the world. These people realize that the only way things will change is if they help and take action.

This trip we got to meet the home owner, Leaster. She is such a sweetheart and she just appreciates everything that we are doing. She has brought us food on multiple occasions just to thank us for all the hard work, sweat, and love that we are putting into her house, correction home. We have seen her through out the week and every day that I see her the smile on her face grows. For me just to see her is incredible. To know that I can help her and her family to get their lives back on track and in the right direction just fills me with so much pride and joy.
I would also like to say that nothing that I am writing really gives justifies what my experiences were and how I feel. There are no real words for the warmth and love that you are filled with after one of these trips. One of my philosophies is that it is the little things in life or simple experiences in our time here that really matter and make our lives something worthwhile. Its not money you have or the number of friends that you have on facebook, its the little things like helping one family get back on their feet after a disaster or even your friend noticing that you are having a bad day and buying you your favorite candy bar. I guess I am just a simple person and enjoy the small pleasures in life and I feel that if you decide to go on a trip it will be one of the most enjoyable, if not the best experience in your life. YOU CAN make a difference, even if its only one person that you touch, because for that one person YOU made that difference!
Samantha Feldmeyer
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