Monday, March 16, 2009

First Day of Work!

Well, we have Internet now at Camp Victor (hooray!) Today, we started out our day with packing lunches and coolers of water and heading over to the East Biloxi Coordination Center to get a brief orientation and get our assignments for the week.

Our assignments are:

Steven, Kaelyn, and Jordan's team: working on sheetrocking, mudding, and sanding a house

Alyssa's team: working on a house that is nearly completed, finsihing the floorboard trim, some extra painting, installing handicapable guardrails in a bathroom

Mark's team: working on scaffolding, roofing, and priming the inside of the house

Lwam and Lea's team: demolition derby! they are tearing down a 2 story house this week (lots of sledge-hammering and hauling away debris)

Some volunteers chose to go out tonight to the Beau Rivage and Hard Rock Casino. It was a good time!

We're ready to rest up for tomorrow & look forward to getting a lot done!

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